Смягчение воды методом ионного обмена
As is known in many regions of our republic used in a life and on manufacture water has high rigidity which sometimes reaches up to 12 mg-ecv/l instead of 2874-82 "Potable water" received according to GOST – 2.5-7 mg-ecv/l.
From the data of table 1 it is visible, that the examinee cationit possesses high enough parameters of size of exchange capacity on ions of calcium and magnesium. As object of research we had been used artesian water of area Shurchi in Surkhan-Darya area which has rigidity of 12.2 mg-ecv/l. Cationits tested in Н-and Na-forms.
1 gr. of cationit filled in 200 ml of researched water. In 24 hours water separated from cationit and determined its rigidity trilonometric method at the presence of the indicator chromogen black. Thus rigidity of water in the Н-form has made 4.5 mg - ecv/l, and in the Na-form of 2.2 mg - ecv/l.
Except for it we had been carried out researches on softening water of 2.5 mg-ecv/l having rigidity. After contact within 6 hours of water with cationit rigidity of it corresponded at use cationit in:
the Н-form – 0.8 mg-ecv/l;
the Na-form – 0.4 mg-ecv/l.
Results of the received researches testifies to perspectivity of work with the examinee with sulphocationite.
Adjournment Artesian water Cationit Anionit Sorption Sulphocationite Rigidity Indicator chromogen black Thrilonometric Bulk weight Condensation Hydrocarbonate Slag Scum Ionits Alkalinity Softening Calcium Magnesium. Sewage Corrosion activity Static exchange capacity Swelling capacity Iodometric, Photocolorimetric Chemical stability Thermal stability Reagent method Potable water Cotton scraping industries Polycondensation Correspond Сopper desorption Potentiometric titration Flexibility Specific volume |
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Отложения Артезианская вода Катионит Анионит Сорбция Сульфокатионит Жесткость Индикатор хромоген черный Трилонометрический Насыпной вес Конденсация Гидрокарбонат Шлак Накипь Ионит Щелочность Умягчение Кальций Магний Сточные воды Деятельность коррозии Статическая обменная емкость Влажность Иодометрический Фотокалориметрический Химическая устойчивость Термическая устойчивость Реагентный метод Питьевая вода Хлопчатоочистительная пром. Поликонденсация Переписываются Медь Десорбция Потенциометрич. титрование Гибкость Удельный объем |
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